The Congo rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems and is also one of the world's largest CO2 reservoirs. Especially the world's largest peatland, the "Cuvette Central" (Central Congo Basin), is a gigantic carbon sink. Yet, in this area as well as in nature reserves, licences for oil fields are now being auctioned off.
According to Simon Lewis, a Professor of Global Change Science, the proposed oil exploration in the Congo Basin could lead to the emission of up to six billion tonnes of CO2.
The climate impact could be about 60 times that of the Luezerath Coal Mine (Germany). We must not allow this to happen!African trade and resource policy expert, Dr Boniface Mabanza Bambu, who hails from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, remarks:
"If there are new fossil fuel projects that should not be attempted at all, it is that in an area like the Congo Basin.
It is irresponsible to sacrifice the [largest] lungs of the planet for the extraction of natural resources with no future. What matters here is not those who bear the direct responsibility for the Congo rainforest, but also those who are now profiting from the fossil era. They must pay compensation to keep oil in the ground in the Congo Basin."
First signatory persons and organisations:1. Fridays for future Democratic Republic of Congo
2. PétroleNonMerci
3. RiseUp Africa
4. Greenpeace Africa
5. Irène Wabiwa (famous climate justice activist from drc)
6. Dr. Boniface Mabanza (DR Congolese expert on African commodity policy and trade)
7. Bündnis Ökozidgesetz (campaign for an ecocide law)
8. Debt for Climate
9. Ende Gelände
10. Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
11. Extinction Rebellion Germany
12. Greenpeace Saar
13. Sand im Getriebe
14. Initiative klimagerecht leben
15. Urgewald
16. Stop Ecocide Germany
Background and Support:CONTACT Mail:
kongobeckens@gmail.comWhatsApp Channel: Telegram-Kanal: LINKS - FURTHER READINGS 1: carbon-emissions-imminent-oil-drilling-could-release-it-187101
2: Exploration
3: Annotation: The German Environment Agency projects the economic losses resulting from climate change to be 200 € per tonne of CO2 emitted today (source: : nachhaltigkeit/artikel/umweltamt-eine-tonne-co2-verursacht-umweltschaeden-von-180-euro 22997269) So, if you multiply the six billion tonnes of potential emissions by 200€/t CO2, you would arrive at this unimaginably high total damage to people and the world economy if this peatland is destroyed.
4: Survey of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) 2021: “Kein Grad weiter – Anpassung der Tagebauplanung im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier zur Einhaltung der 1,5-Grad-Grenze
5: carbon-emissions/
6: threatens-to-destroy-congo-peatlands
7: Fanning, Andrew L. and Hickel, Jason: "Compensation for atmospheric appropriation." (Nature Sustainability, 2023), pp. 1-10.
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