Suchergebnis für "israel".
Geplanten Besuch Erdogans in Deutschland absagenIn Anbetracht der jüngsten Äußerungen des türkischen Stattspräsidenten, die "Westlichen Regierungen" seien hauptsächlich für die Massaker im Gazastreifen verantwortlich und außerdem: "Hamas ist keine Terrororganisation, sondern eine Befreiungs- und Mudschaheddin-Gruppe, die für den Schutz ihres Landes und ihrer Bürger kämpft", ist ein Besuch derzeit mehr als unangemessen und sollte storniert werden.42 von 100 UnterschriftenGestartet von Markus Best
Bundesregierung als Vermittler: Israelische Geiseln rettenWir rufen Sie auf, dabei zu helfen, die israelischen Geiseln zu retten, die von der Hamas entführt wurden und weiteres Blutvergießen auf beiden Seiten zu verhindern. Setzen Sie sich als fairer Vermittler dafür ein, eine Vereinbarung zur Freilassung israelischer Geiseln im Austausch gegen Hamas-Gefangene zu erreichen.53.179 von 75.000 UnterschriftenGestartet von Raluca Ganea (Geschäftsführerin von Zazim - Community Action, Campacts Schwesterorganisation in Israel)
Response to the dffb students' statement and alternative approach to discussing the conflictResponse to the dffb students' statement and alternative approach to discussing the conflict in the Middle East (german version following) We, a group of students and alumni of DFFB, are deeply distressed by the letter and petition that followed which aims to support Palestinians, defend the freedom of speech and tackle racism, all the while being in itself an antisemitic, inaccurate text which does not call for peace and balance, but rather spreads more violence. We denounce all forms of violence in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank and we are deeply concerned over the civilians killed and injured during this conflict and the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We are against the oppression of the Palestinian people both by Hamas and by the right-wing Israeli government and pray for a future in which Palestinians and Israelis can live together in peace and equality. Regarding the situation in Germany and Europe, we stand for human rights, the freedom of demonstration and the freedom of speech. A plea for peace and ceasefire has every right to be heard! HOWEVER! A plea which does not acknowledge the ongoing mass hostage emergency, the historical context, and the atrocities committed in Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023 - the bloodiest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust - feels like a cynical exploitment of the pain and suffering this letter falsely claims to defend. It is crucial to acknowledge Israel's right and necessity to defend its citizens against the indiscriminate and ongoing attacks on its civilians by Hamas - a terror organization that has repeatedly and openly called for the eradication of Israel. It is crucial to acknowledge that Israel is a state of and for refugees, a state that was established after the holocaust to be a safe haven for those who survived the genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Jews in Europe during WWII, and which has since also been of vital importance for the Jews affected by ethnic cleansing in the Middle East and Africa. To characterize Israel as a mere colonial settler state, denying the existence of Jewish life in the region for thousands of years and disregarding the history of wars and aggressions since the founding of the state, implies a deeply antisemitic view. To neglect essential facts of this ongoing crisis, and to choose a one-sided political agenda over the sanctity of human lives regardless of their nationality has deeply saddened us, especially when coming from within our community. We must condemn such an imbalanced text and petition. We must take a stand against these sorts of statements that seem to be directed at the simple goal of dividing and sparking violence. Grief knows no borders. We strongly believe that, as a society, we need to hold a space to mourn the innocent losses on all sides and to demonstrate for peace. That said, there cannot be any space or tolerance for any form of antisemitism, nor can there be space for racism or Islamophobia. We denounce any attempt to use the fight against antisemitism to spread hatred against Muslims, and we denounce misusing struggles for decolonisation to promote antisemitism. We believe that by failing to condemn the indescribable terror of Hamas and its role of strategically escalating this conflict, the authors and signatories of the petition take part in an ongoing process of dehumanization, which we can not accept. To promote a one-sided biased narrative is emotionally and intellectually lazy, it is irresponsible and it only contributes to the perpetuation of violence. Our job as artists and filmmakers is to try and go deeper, try and see the complexity of reality. Our responsibility as a community is to hold discussions that allow a space for peace. Signed by: Liel Simon, Rebeca Ofek, Florian Dietrich, Katharina Woll, Albrecht von Grünhagen, Matan Radin, Rebecca Martin, Sabine Schmidt, Beliban zu Stolberg, Alexandra Balteanu, Stanislav Danylyshyn, Florian Plumeyer, Annika Pinske, Kristina Kean Stubert, Margarita Amineva-Jester.10 von 100 UnterschriftenGestartet von dffb students and alumni
Antisemitismus als Antidiskriminierungsmerkmal im AGG aufnehmen!Ich fordere den deutschen Bundestag auf, der gestiegenen antisemitischen Bedrohungslage in unserer Gesellschaft, mit einer Ergänzung des Merkmalbezugs "Antisemitismus" im Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetz entgegenzutreten, um Jüdinnen_Juden umfänglichen Schutz über unsere Gesetzeslage zu gewährleisten zu können.153 von 200 UnterschriftenGestartet von Kolja Seibert